Project Manager

Online demo
Design docs:
   Interface spec
   Mailing lists

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update Sunday Sep 30, 2001 krogoth
I'm working on another project right now that will be used as a database access layer for the project manager and also help make it run in more environments, so I have no time left to work on this. It seems like the project is still getting quite a few pageviews/downloads, so I need someone to help in development, or this project will remain inactive for a few more months.

Alpha2 release Monday May 12, 2001 krogoth
Project Manager alpha2 was released today. It adds searching, filtering, and more to the custom database tables. You can see the release notes and change log here, and you can download it here. btw, if you want to get it from CVS it's tagged 'alpha2'.

The next alpha release will be administrative functions, and then after adding a few minor features and updates we'll go into beta testing for release 1.0, after which we'll move to a plug-in architecture.

If anyone is interested in helping document the project and update the site, please contact me.

Making progress, help wanted Monday May 5, 2001 krogoth
I just checked the sourceforge statistics and the downloads are up from 3 to 71! The website seems to be getting a little more popular too, so I guess i'll have to get it updated. I don't have time to do this, so if anyone would like to 1) remove all the obsolete information and get it up to date and/or 2) keep the website updated with recent news and information for the documentation and/or 3) help write a user manual, please contact me.
In other news, we're making progress, if a bit slow, in the alpha2 release, which will have much more advanced database functionality. The CVS sources are usually stable (unless you get our 'x-tech' research branch), so if you want to try it out before the alpha2 release you should have no problems with the CVS source.
I also set up a mailing list for announcements - you can susbscribe to projman-announce at the sourceforge page

Alpha1 release Monday Mar 9, 2001 krogoth
We've release projman alpha1 today. This is just to show how the project is going, and isn't really useful yet, but we're getting there and this release does have some of the most important features (tree management (node creation/editing), adding files and links to nodes, database table creation and item listing, and adding items to database tables. You can download it at Sourceforge.

Online demo up Monday Mar 4, 2001 krogoth
I've got an online demo up and running. It's been there for a month or two, but now that we actually have some features it might be more interesting. It's a copy of the CVS source from yesterday, and i'll try to update it at least once a month. The username and passwords are admin/admin and test/test. If you run in the test user, you might not be able to do some things.

Help wanted Thursday Dec 7, 2000 krogoth
We need help developing the project and maintaining the website. We have 2 developers, but we need documentation writers and website maintainers. I'm adding a lot of information to the website, but I don't have time to format it so it's easy to read or even make sure I use consistent formatting. If you would like to help, please email me.

First site & CVS uploads Monday Dec 4, 2000 krogoth
The site was uploaded today, and the first CVS files have been on the server for a few days. The feature page has a lot of planned features, but about two are implemented so far :). There is no estimated release date for the first version.

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